Title: Kiss Me Authors: Alicia Blade Kammi22@sprintmail.com and Kate Rydell Mishy5362@aol.com Rated: G Konnichi'wa minna! Might I introduce to you Sailor Moon's newest addition to the fanfiction world, my cousin and best friend, Ms. Katelyn Rydell!! Yes, this would be Serena's class president, Darien's friend from the orphanage, AND his personal secretary from previous fics. Boy, she gets around, ne? Do me a favor and email your comments to her, alright, she needs to get a bit used to this. Now, since you've all heard my comments a million times over, I'll let her take care of the AN's… Hey everyone! I just wanted to say thank you so much for coming and reading this story. It is my first fic and with the wonderful help of my cousin, Alicia Blade, I have been inspired to write even more. I think co-writing my first story with such a great writer, has really taught me many things about writing fics. I would love it so much if you could email me and tell me what you think, it would mean a lot. Well, that's all I really have to say, so on with the story... "Jesus answered, 'We should go to other towns around here so I can preach there too. This is the reason I came.'" Mark I 1:38 Kiss Me Kiss me out of the bearded barley. Nightly, beside the green, green grass. Swing, swing, Swing the spinning step. You wear those shoes And I will wear that dress. ~ Serena's POV ~ "But I need his help!" I screeched. "Why don't you ask him?" Andrew replied, rolling his eyes. "Oh yeah Andrew, that's gonna work. I can see it now… 'Hi Darien. I'm a totally moronic ditz. I need you to help me with my homework even though I know you think I'm just a cry-baby meatball head…' Ha! He'll be tripping over his own feet to help me! Gee, Andrew, you're a genius!" my tongue bit out every sarcastic remark harshly, before sighing in annoyance. This man can be so dense! Andrew sighed and wiped his hands on his apron. "Serena, you're not a totally moronic ditz. What I don't understand is why you want DARIEN'S help anyway. I'm sure Ami would be more than happy to help tutor you in a few subjects." I don't want AMI'S help, what good would that do for my love life? "Ami's um… er… she's busy with uh…" I scratched the back of my neck thoughtfully. "Extra curricular activities! That's why I need DARIEN'S help, and why I need YOU to convince him to tutor me! Understand?" Andrew eyed me speculatively. Time to bring in the back up. Reaching into my book bag I pulled out today's Math quiz. "See this Andrew, this is why I need his help. I got a 25%!!!!! That's even worse than the 30!!!" Stating the obvious, I hold my breath in anticipation for his reply, groaning when he only raises his eyebrow in mocking. Looking over to the door after hearing the bell indicating a customer was entering, I spot a tall guy walking into the arcade. He looks familiar… ohmigosh it's Darien! A feeling of worry and excitement rushes through my body. I turned to Andrew giving him my famous 'puppy dog eyes, full lower lip' pout. I could see him melt on the spot. Finally, he sighed with annoyance. "Fine, I'll ask your precious Darien if he will tutor you." I felt so relieved, not to mention the spark of electricity that flew through me at the thought of MY precious Darien. "Hey Meatball Head, what are you so excited about?" Darien asked with a teasing, though somewhat curious, grin on his face. Gulping, I turned to face him, feeling a blush already creeping up my neck just by looking into his deep cerulean eyes. Ooh, he gets to me! "Uh… nothing, Darien! I'm just… um… well, I just remembered that I have… er… homework to do. So… you and Andrew have a nice talk now, hope you don't miss me too much!" With a sly wink in Andrew's direction, I ran out of the arcade, practically skipping in giddiness. I hope this works! ~ Darien's POV ~ I watched the girl go for a minute, furrowing my brow in suspicion. Strange girl… Sighing, I turn back to Andrew, who is currently pouring me a coke. He throws in a straw and slides it across the table. "So, how ya doin' bud?" I shrug. "Okay, I guess. What were you and Meatball Head talking about when I came in? She seemed kind of… ecstatic…" "Uh…" he began stuttering, as if searching for words and suddenly, I felt nervous. When Andrew stutters, it can't be a good thing. "Andrew…?" "Well, Serena had another math test today…" he began and I choked slightly, holding back a laugh. "What did she get this time? Be lucky if she passed with a D-." Andrew stopped his rambling to stare at me somewhat angrily. What? What did I do this time? Then, I thought I saw a light filter into his deep brown eyes, almost like an idea clicking. Another sign in my best friend that something was up. Something I wasn't sure to enjoy… "Darien, do you always have to be so mean to Serena?! She tries really hard you know!" "I don't consider falling asleep every half hour in class TRYING." "Aw come on, if she had someone to talk to her one on one, a tutor of sorts, she would definitely start bringing up those twenties and thirties! It's the teachers' faults that…" "TWENTIES?! Don't tell me she did worse than LAST time!" I bust out laughing, almost spitting my drink all over the table. After a moment, I come to the conclusion that Andrew doesn't find this very humorous and slam my mouth shut. "Darien, this is NOT funny! Serena is a great person! You don't need to tease her and make fun of her so much you know! Why are you always so mean to her, anyway? If you could keep your big mouth shut and talk to her, I'm sure you would realize she's actually very bright, she just needs someone to teach her. Besides…" his voice quieting, I saw a hint of mischief shine behind a hidden smile. "I think she likes you." Something in my brain told me to laugh, long and loud. But I couldn't. Instead, I had to force a chuckle. "Andrew, we both know she hates me! What on Earth makes you think that she would even give me a second glance?" My throat is suddenly running dry and I clear it awkwardly, rubbing at the back of my neck. "Never mind why, it's just… the way she looks at you… and… little things like that…" he turns away, diverting his gaze. After a moment of silence, I cough clumsily. "Um… right, Andrew. I know she hates me, so you must be hallucinating. So… let's just… drop it, okay?" "Yeah, no problem!" he smiles, turning his full attention to me again. "But like I was saying, she really is smart and all, though she could really, REALLY use a tutor, don't you think?" Sipping at my drink, I shrug nonchalantly. "Guess it could do her some good." "That's what I was thinking… She needs someone… older…" Why is he giving me that strange look all the sudden? "More intelligent, responsible… a college guy maybe. Someone… she knows… that she can… connect with… Maybe… tall… dark hair… BLUE eyes…" Turning my gaze away from the petrifying stare he is giving me, I begin searching my mind for anyone matching Andrew's rather detailed description. "Gee Andrew… I can't think of anyone who matches that… rather… detailed description." Hearing him clear his throat loudly I turn back to him, confusion echoing in my thoughts. "Not one, Darien? Can't think of ONE person… who could tutor our poor, helpless, sweet, innocent Meatball Head?" Alright… he's scaring me. Shakily, I begin backing away from the counter. "Uh… no?" "Think about it, Darien," he says sternly. I gulp. "I… don't think… so…" Slumping his shoulders, Andrew let out a deep breath of agitation. "YOU, Darien. She could use someone like YOU!" Kiss me beneath the milky twilight. Lead me out on the moonlit floor. Me? What did Andrew mean by that, exactly? Why would I tutor Serena? Or more importantly, why would she want MY help? We've never gotten along, can't spend more than two minutes in the same room together without tearing the other apart. It could never work! Besides, where would we study? I doubt she even knows where the library is, and she would get lost if I told her to come to the university. I guess… that would leave my apartment… Why am I even considering this?! Even if I DID offer to become her tutor, there's no possible way she would ever accept! She hates me, I know it. She would probably laugh in my face at even the thought of spending time with me… even if it WAS just to help her with her grades. Which, of course, would be the ONLY reason I would do this. To help her with her grades… Serena certainly COULD use some help in her schoolwork. If she had any brains at all she would jump all over the chance to receive some of my help. Maybe… she would accept. It would do her some good, after all… but what would I get out of this? I would get to spend time with my gorgeous Meatball Head. Whoa, where did THAT come from?! I don't want to spend time with her… At least, not a LOT of time… not TOO much time, that is. But… it wouldn't hurt, and… she does need my help… Maybe she'd even be grateful. Maybe she would start to like me… IF she doesn't already, like Andrew said. Ha, that's funny! Serena… liking ME?! Not in a million years! We're complete opposites. It would never work, at least, not THAT kind of relationship… what kind of relationship am I thinking of here? Tutor… I want to be her TUTOR. That's all, nothing else… Wait a minute… I… WANT to be her tutor? "Hiya Darien!" Startled, I replied angrily, "Gee, Serena you shouldn't just pop up out of no where like that!" She backs away, a tad surprised at my quick remark. Ooh… she's so adorable when she's surprised… startled… Look at that cute dress she's in, and her HAIR, those golden locks are almost hypnotizing… a bolt of lightning hit me making me painfully aware that… I want to be her tutor so bad! I really, REALLY want to be her… No way! I'm way too old for her… besides, she HATES me! (I think.) But look at those big blue eyes… Darien, get a hold of yourself. What's the chance of her even excepting my offer, slim to none. "Hello, Darien! You in there?" Serena asked. "Huh? What was that you were talking about?" She furrows her brow at me, glancing at me strangely from the corner of her eyes. "Are… you ok? Well, anyway, I was just gonna apologize," she said with a somewhat concerned face. "For what?" She raises her eyebrows tentatively. "You know, popping out of nowhere… you sure you're ok?" I chuckled quietly. "Yeah Meatball Head, you just gave me a start." "Oh… okay… So," said Serena, suddenly nervous, twiddling her fingers in front of her stomach, "What did you and Andrew talk about after I left the arcade?" "Oh, not much." I said trying not to make it obvious that the whole conversation had been about HER. ~ Serena's POV ~ Serena, you can't just ask him if they talked about tutoring. How obvious would THAT look?! "Did you talk about school at all?" I asked tying to keep the blush out of my face. "Actually, yeah we sorta did." Darien replied with a suspicious, and almost tense, look. "I had a math test today," I added with a pout on my face. "Yeah, whatcha get this time?" Darien asked with a slight hint of sarcasm. "Worse than the last time, I got a… a… I got a twenty five ok?" I started to raise my voice and get angry. He could at least sound sympathetic! I guess… this means he doesn't want to help me… there goes that idea… "Sounds like you could use some help." I nearly choke on air. "REALLY?!?!?!" I screamed but somehow managed to control my excitement. This is taking a turn for the better… I could see that Darien was getting a little uncomfortable. He hid his hands in his pockets while diverting his eyes away from me. "Yeah, I was thinking you could use a tutor. You need someone… older… intelligent, responsible… a college guy maybe. Someone… you know… that you can… connect with… Maybe… tall… dark hair… blue eyes… but I don't know of anyone who is all those things. Do you?" "Sounds kinda familiar," I said inching closer to him by the second. "Sounds kinda like… you." Slowly our eyes met. "Someone like me?" he whispered. "Yeah, I could really use a tutor… like you." "GREAT! I'd love to! We can start tomorrow! How about we meet at my apartment at around, oh I don't know… 6-ish? Make sure to bring your books and a couple pads of paper. My address is," he started as he pulled out a piece of paper, "1234 56th Street Apt.#789. See you tomorrow! Bye Meatball head!" he said while scuttling off down the street. As soon as he was out of hearing distance… "YES!!!" my scream echoed down the streets of Tokyo. "I can't wait until tomorrow!!" I continued happily, jumping three feet into he air. I owe Andrew big time for this one! Lift your open hand, Strike up the band And make the fireflies dance. Silver moon's sparkling, So kiss me. I raised my hand nervously, preparing to knock on his door. Stopping, my entire body froze. I can't do this! What if he sees what a total moron I really am and laughs at me? Why would he ever want to go out with such a stupid teenager like me, anyway? Ugh! Serena, you can't back down now. Just follow the plan. He teaches you for awhile, you flirt with him, make him see what a great person you are, he falls head over heels in love with you, and… you've had your first kiss by the end of the evening, compliments of the sweetest, most handsome man in Tokyo. No problem. Inhaling sharply, I raise my hand again and knock softly. ~ Darien's POV ~ I nearly jumped out of my skin at a soft knock on my door. Goodness, she's here! Alright, how do I look? Is the apartment clean? Oh, what does any of it matter, I'm just teaching the girl! I'm her tutor… nothing else. Though… it might be kind of hard not to kiss those tempting pink lips. When we're sitting so close together on the couch, my arm wrapped around her waist, lingering so close to her smooth skin. Ooh, maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. How will I ever control myself around such a gorgeous girl? I can do this, I can! Just follow the plan. You teach her, she doesn't understand any of it, you teach her some more, fix her dinner, teach her again, stay away from any motions that could lead to touching her in any way. No problem. I'm just a tutor. I'm just a tutor. "Coming!" I walked slowly toward the door and turn the knob, pulling the door toward me. A lovely girl stood before me in the hallway, and my breath caught somewhere in my throat. "Hey Serena," I said trying to withhold my excitement "Hi Darien." "Please, come in. Uh… Did you remember your books and a couple pads of paper?" "Yeah, I only brought one pad of paper, though." She is so beautiful… Darien, stop. Tutor, tutor, I'm her tutor. "So, I guess we'll start with Algebra." Serena said with a slight tone of disappointment. She REALLY needs help with that, the test scores prove it all. "Ok, algebra it is! It's not that hard. It's actually very simple." ~ Serena's POV ~ And this is coming from a 20-year-old guy who's in college, and with straight A's none the less. "Darien you're a… ugh, never mind." I dropped the subject and took out my algebra book, setting it on the glass table and plopping down on the couch. Darien took a seat next to me as I opened the book up to the chapter we were studying. I pointed out that the main subject of the chapter was variables. "Ok. So, do you understand the meaning of the word, variables?" "Is it… the answer?" I asked slowly with much confusion. "Well, sometimes. The definition of a variable is: Anything that takes the place of a number, usually a letter." I stared at him blankly, "That doesn't make sense, if they know the number why don't they just put it there instead of a stupid letter?" He chuckled making me blush. "Serena if they gave you the answer there'd be no reason to study this at all!" "I don't understand why they make me study this, I'm never gonna use it. What's the point?" I asked innocently. Can't this man think about anything other than homework at a time like this? Does he even realize I'm sitting here?! Hm… well he will very soon… Slowly, I begin to inch closer to him, pretending to be interested in whatever he's saying. I think he's mumbling something about letters again… Smiling up at him, I bat my eyelashes, waiting for him to turn his attention over to me and away from that stupid textbook. After a moment, he finally moves his gaze to mine, and I feel my heartbeat speed up. I wonder if he notices how close we are right now… ~ Darien's POV ~ When on Earth did she get so close to me?! And why is she looking at me like that, batting her long, thick eyelashes…? "Uh… er… Serena, are you getting this?" She only stares at me a moment, before pulling away a couple inches. "Uh, well, not exactly. It's all so confusing. Didn't you ever think it was confusing… Darien?" Her small pink lips turn up into an adorable grin. My breath catches in my throat and I cough slightly, covering my mouth, attempting to look away. "Well… I'm sure there was a time… but it's not that hard, Serena," I tried to comfort her, show a little faith, I guess. I also wanted to get her attention back to the schoolwork. The longer she looked at me like that, the shorter my sanity would be. "But Darien… I just don't get it. The teachers don't know how to explain it well enough… Though I'm sure you're a MUCH better teacher…" she said, and I thought I could see a bit of mischief behind her strong gaze. Was she inching closer to me, or is it my imagination? "Oh… well… I… never really… taught anyone… before… but… uh… uh…" Alright, it's not my imagination, she is definitely getting closer. So… close… I could lean forward and… but that would be bad! I'm her tutor, and what, 5, 6 years older?! I start leaning backward with every subtle movement she makes towards me, ready to run like the dickens. ~ Serena's POV ~ Why is he moving away?! Oh, maybe I'm moving too fast. Maybe… he doesn't want to kiss me… Our lips are just centimeters apart now… If he just reached up he could… "I'm going to go get us something to drink!" he spouts all the sudden, jumping up from the couch and out of my prowl. I squeal inside, nearly falling face down on the sofa as he jumps up from the below me. Groaning, I sit back up, urging the blush to disappear from my cheeks. I can hear him clunking around in the kitchen, cursing quietly at a few spills, and I think I hear something break. "Uh… do you want help back there?" I call back to the kitchen, the redness in my cheeks just beginning to back down. "No, I got it!" he replies, coming out with a few drinks in hand. He sets them down on the table, before slowly, cautiously claiming his seat next to me again. I remain still, watching him from the corner of my eye as he once again picks up the math book. "Alright… er… where were we?" I shrug, sighing disappointedly. "I still don't understand why I need to learn this stuff…" ~ Darien's POV ~ I laughed inside at her adorable pout, forcing myself to ignore the awkwardness of a few moments ago. "Never mind that, Serena. It doesn't matter when you're gonna use this in the future, you need to know it now so you can start passing some of these classes. Now, let's… start with an equation. You… do know what an equation is, don't you?" She shot me a somewhat angry look. "Of COURSE I know what an equation is! Um… kinda…" Forcing myself not to laugh out loud again, I rolled my eyes mentally, writing out a problem onto the sheet of paper before me. "Alright, what does y stand for?" I asked, handing the paper over to her. She sighed, raising her eyebrow at the formula. "Darien… y… is just a letter, what do you mean 'what does it stand for'?" "No, Serena… here it's being used in place of a NUMBER. Look, y plus 4 equals 9. This one is REALLY easy, I know you can do this…" She stared at it for a minute. "It's a letter, Darien! I don't get it, what are you asking me?" "Ugh! No, Serena… maybe I'm not explaining this right. SOMETHING plus 4 equals 9, what is it?" "Darien, that's easy, it's 5." "Alright, so if Y plus 4 equals 9, y has to be…" "Darien, WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING?!" I groaned, dropping the pencil, and leaning my head back, staring at the ceiling for a moment. "Alright, so you're a slow learner, we can get past this…" "No, we can't Darien. Just give up, alright, I will never understand any of this!" she screamed. ~ Serena's POV ~ I felt tears jerking at the corner of my eyes. I slammed the book on the table shut. By this time, a tear was rolling down my face. I got up off the couch and stood facing the door. "Serena, don't leave… please." He said rather sympathetically. I didn't want to leave but by now he thought I was a slow learner and probably an idiot. He got up off the couch and walked slowly over by the table where I was standing. He wrapped his masculine arm around my shoulders. I turned my face away to hide my distress. He gently took my chin in his hand and turned my face toward him and wiped away my tears. "Serena, everyone learns at their own pace. You'll get the hang of algebra soon, don't worry. I believe in you, and you can do it." "Do you really think so Darien?" I asked hopefully. "Of course. You can do anything you put your mind to." We stared into each other's eyes for a long time. He was so handsome, his deep blue eyes staring so meaningfully into mine, as if he was practically begging me to stay. Did he really want me to? ~ Darien's POV ~ I never realized how perfect she felt in my arms. Possibly because I had never held her before, but I was quickly learning that I like the feeling… a lot. Her small face was red in tears, her eyes glossy from those still unshed. She was staring up at me, almost hopefully. I noticed her lips were quivering slightly, and they distracted my attention from her sky blue eyes. Unconsciously, I craned my neck down, ready to cease her shaking. I see her eyes widen slightly, before drifting close. She licks her lips, and I feel her straighten in my arms, standing on tiptoes, I imagine. My lips part slightly, reaching down, close enough that I can feel her breath tickle my lips. I come closer… close enough to actually kiss this sweet, gorgeous, fourteen-year-old. FOURTEEN YEARS OLD?!?!?!? What am I thinking? I can't kiss her! But those big blue eyes and those pastel pink lips are so tempting… NO! There's no way I can do this! Absolutely NO way! "So, what else do you want to study tonight?" I ask, breaking away from her quickly. ~ Serena's POV ~ Huh? Hey, wait, come back! Ugh, I was so close! WE were so close! What happened? Was it me? Maybe he really doesn't want to kiss me. There has to be something else I can do… Something to bring romance into the air… Wait! I have to practice Romeo and Juliet for Literature class! I replied excitedly to his question, "We're studying Romeo and Juliet in literature. You could help me a bit with that, if you don't mind." One of the kissing scenes, if I may suggest. Maybe this night won't turn out so bad! Kiss me down by the broken tree house Swing me up on its hanging tire. "Romeo and Juliet? Sure, we can do that!" he says, still turned away from me. When he turns back around, I can see him avoiding eye contact, tints of red burning on his cheeks. "Oh, it would be so great if you could help me with it! I don't understand a word, I swear they're speaking a completely different language," I pouted. He chuckled, taking a seat on the couch while I fished in my book bag for the small copy of Shakespeare's famous play. "Which part would you like to study? Any place in particular you don't understand?" Sighing, I claim my place on the couch, knowing full well how close we are, yet again. "We read the scene where Romeo and Juliet meet today… in class…" "Yeah? And did you get any of it?" "Not a word." Rolling his eyes, he flipped to Act I, Scene V, setting the book down on the table again. "Okay, I'll start reading, and we'll see if you can translate any of it." I shrug, leaning forward to read along with him. "If I profane with my unworthiest hand this holy shrine, the gentle fine is this; my lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender… er… kiss." Cupping my chin in my hands, I stare at the page, before raising my eyes to his. He returned the gaze, forcing an uncomfortable smile. "Alright… did you get any of that?" "Yup, sure did! He's saying he's going to kiss her!" "Kiss her… you mean her hand." Furrowing my eyebrows, I shake my head. "Where does it say he's going to kiss her hand? Why not her lips? It's… much more romantic… I think…" Laughing quietly, Darien pulled the book into our laps. "That comes later, Meatball Head. Here, let's start it this way. Romeo is talking to Juliet, right?" "Yeah…" "Alright, what is this 'holy shrine' that he refers to?" Tilting my head to the side, I whisper, "Juliet?" "Right! So, what does it mean when he says he will 'profane with his unworthiest hand this holy shrine'?" "Hm… if she's the shrine… then… he doesn't deserve to touch her…" "Good, for fear he will profane her. Now, the next line says 'the gentle fine is this,' what do you think that means?" She shrugged. "I dunno." "A fine is something you pay, like repaying a debt. So if he 'profanes' her, he's going to pay her back with something, okay?" "Okay." "'My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a gentle kiss.' Meaning…" "That he's gonna kiss her, to make up for touching her?" "Right!" "But… that doesn't mean… he's gonna kiss her hand…" Chuckling, Darien set the book aside again, standing and pulling me to my feet as well. "Here, we'll act it out. Now, pretend you're at a party, and you've never talked to me before." I nodded, hiding the insistent smile wanting to arise. Jackpot, everything is going according to plan… ~ Darien's POV ~ Taking a deep breath, I decide to get this over with. I can do this, it's only for her education, after all. Just… have to give her a couple Shakespearean compliments, kiss her hand… I can steer clear of her lips. I can! If I want to… Trying to be casual, I take her hand into mine, smoothing my fingers over her knuckles. She gasps slightly, and for a moment I think she is trembling. "If I profane with my unworthiest hand this holy shrine, the gentle fine is this…" I lower my voice to a whisper, stepping closer to her, and bringing her hand to my lowered head. "My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth that rough touch… with a tender kiss," Holding her gaze, I brush my lips tenderly across her knuckles, barely touching the salt of her smooth skin. ~ Serena's POV ~ Something melts inside of me as I stare into his eyes, gulping as his warm lips touch the back of my hand. We stare at each other for a long moment, as he slowly lowers my hand and takes a step toward me. I inhale sharply, and then realize… he's talking? "Huh? I'm sorry, wha… what was that?" His gorgeous lips curved into a gentle smile. "It's your line." "Li… oh, line! Right… uh…" Turning, I try to keep my hand in his grasp, but he lets go as I pick the book up from the sofa. Gulping to clear my throat, I begin to read shakily. "Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, which mannerly devotion shows in this; For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, and palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss." "What do you think she's saying there?" "Kiss me again? I hope…" He chuckles, and I don't know if he caught the whispered last comment. "Who's the pilgrim?" Rereading the phrases, I ask him quietly, "You? Er… Romeo?" "Right, so she's telling him that he shouldn't put her up on such a pedestal, because she's not a saint, and he IS deserving. Now even if she was a saint, and he was but a pilgrim, it would be of no wrong to touch her, for 'saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch'. You see?" "Mm… hmm… so… is she playing hard to get?" He laughed. "Something like that…" "Okay, I think I get it now…" Clearing his throat, Darien continued to read. "Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?" "So he's asking her why they don't kiss?" "Very good!" Smiling widely, I say, "Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer." After pausing a moment, I giggle slightly. "She's still playing hard to get!" "I think Romeo's losing his patience," he whispers. Raising my stare to his, I whisper rather sourly, "I know how he feels." I see him gulp, obviously not knowing what to think. "O, then, dear Saint, let lips do what hands do; They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair." "He's getting desperate, and… wants her to answer his prayers?" "His prayers of what?" Darien pries. "Um… kissing her?" "Exactly! You're getting good at this." "You're helping a lot." We share a kind smile, before he once again breaks it awkwardly. He begins whispering, steadily moving closer to me, "Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take. Thus… from my lips… by thine my sin is purged." Inhaling sharply, I watch as he nears me slowly. I know this part of the play… very… very well. Oh, if he wasn't moving so tauntingly slow… His hands are touching my sides, barely skimming over the material at my waist. I wonder if he notices that, as he moves slowly toward me. My eyelids fall, and I straighten slowly, waiting… It's a shame Romeo tells Juliet not to move… I could lean forward so quickly, so easily, and… "And then he kisses her," Darien spouts quickly, inches from my lips, before pulling harshly away, leaving me a tad shaky. Bring, bring, Bring your flowered hat. We'll take the trail marked on your father's map. "Now, maybe we should move over to Mercutio's death scene, that's a big part in the play! Or we could deal with Tybalt's death, or how about when Juliet is forced to marry Paris by her father?" he begins babbling unconsciously, flipping through the pages in the book. "Darien…" I whisper, more than disappointed. We should have kissed by now! Oh, doesn't he feel anything for me… at all? Why is this so difficult?! "Yeah Serena?" he pauses, looking up at me, trying to hide his gaze from mine. Turning away, I stare at the carpet. "Nothing, I was just… I think I got the hang of this old-English thing now. I'll be fine, thanks for your help." ~ Darien's POV ~ I gulp slightly, listening to her quiet voice. She sounds almost… broken… Naw, that's crazy. She's probably just tired… Running a hand through my hair, I close the book, setting it down on the glass table. "Well… alright then, do you have anything else you'd like to study?" She was silent, her head bent down, her chin resting down upon her collarbone. She shuffled her feet slightly, digging her toe into the carpet. "Eh… Serena? Are you okay?" No response followed. Her shoulders began to tremble, a small sniffle heard from her hidden features. "Um…" I began to reach out to her, my fingertips shyly grazing her sleeve. "Ser…" "Why don't you like me?" "Huh?" My hand snapped back to my side, my jaw hanging open slightly from the harsh outburst. "Why… don't I… I… huh?" "I don't get it… Darien… what's wrong with me? Is it because of… my hair? Or maybe I'm too immature, is that it? There's got to be some reason why… you don't… wouldn't like me… So why? I can fix it, whatever it is, I can fix it…" This is… new. She's asking me why… I DON'T like her?! Ha, what a joke. If only it were that easy… Her eyes are staring up at me in earnest determination, her hands clasped tightly in front of her chest. She's staring at me impatiently, waiting for a reply, an answer… Just great, how do I get myself out of this one? "Well… no, Serena… it's nothing like… that. Actually… I do like you. And it's certainly nothing physical, since you're… well… how would you say, um… er… gorgeous. For… a kid, at least. Or, even for a woman, to think of it. Yeah… and… I do like you. Really… a lot, actually." Oh yeah, that was smooth… Her eyes widen and she stands up straighter, pulling her shoulders back in surprise. "What? But… but… if you like me… then… why… I don't understand…" "Understand what, Serena?" "If you like me and think that I'm beautiful… then why won't you kiss me?" My mind dulls, taking a long moment to register her words, before jumping into overdrive. K… kiss? What does any of this have to do with kissing? Though… she does raise a good point… Whew… that's a really good point! Why haven't I kissed her yet? What's my problem? All this time I've been trying to convince myself not to kiss her, but… it's as if she… wants me to. Yes, she does! All the hints, the clues… this is a dream come true! Wait, this makes things a little awkward. We both want to kiss, but I don't know when or how or where… maybe I shouldn't. Maybe it's more hassle than it's worth. Whoa, what am I thinking?! More hassle than it's worth?! Yeah right, to kiss those sweet, puckered, innocent lips… Of course I should kiss her! Why does it even matter when or where, or how even? It will all happen when it happens. At least… I hope so… it'd better… "Er… I dunno… Meatball Head…" Am I supposed to kiss HER? Should I initiate it? Then she might think I'm moving too fast. Maybe it's my best bet to let HER kiss ME. Or… would that take too long? Ugh, I am SO confused! "Um… it's just… that… uh…" I stutter stupidly. "You don't want to kiss me, do you?" she asked with a long face. How is it that she's being so incredibly blunt about all this? "Huh?" I choke out nervously. How did we get on this conversation again? Why couldn't we have just stuck with math?! "It's okay, I understand now," she whispers, the sudden excitement gone from her voice. "Serena, wait. It's just… uh… I… uh…" I couldn't bring myself to finish the sentence. "What?" She asked, curious, though saddened. "I… er… like you." Ha! I said it! I can't believe it! But… she still looks so disappointed. What did I do now? Wasn't she just saying that… that's what she wanted? Great, what if I completely misinterpreted her feelings…? "Darien, we already established that. You made it perfectly clear that… that… I'm like a kid sister or a friend… You still won't kiss me, will you? So what does it matter? I'm sorry I got so carried away. I guess I really am a ditz. To ever think that you could… go for me… like that… I understand perfectly now." She sighs, turning to begin packing up her books, still scattered over the table. Every now in then, she gives vain attempts to hide a few sniffles. I bite my lower lip, my heart beating within my chest rapidly, and lean down beside her, nervously placing a heavy hand on her arm. "No Serena, you don't understand. Yes, I like you! And yes, I could go for you… Like… that. How could I not? It's just that this whole kissing thing… well, it took me by surprise, I guess. I mean, yesterday morning I thought you hated me… now all the sudden… you're practically begging me to… to be so intimate and close… It's a big deal, and something I wasn't expecting. And I don't know if I would kiss you, this soon…" I say the last words with an almost embarrassed look. I sure did want to! Whether I would or not is a different story. "Serena, it's just that… well, you're quite a bit younger than I am, and if our… relationship became… er… romantic, it might get awkward and… what would people think? I do like you… a lot. A lot more than I probably should. But… that doesn't mean… I should act on it, you know?" Finally bringing myself to meet my eyes with hers, I raise an eyebrow. I don't know what I'm saying to her, or why I'm saying it. So what if she's younger? Who cares? People… get older… they grow… And I want her now. And knowing that she could feel the same way for me… almost unthinkable! Yet here I am, pushing her away. I know… this is just another one of my fronts, of my excuses to push people away. Another one I can't stop, and my heart twists inside of me, almost hoping she won't buy what I'm saying to her. That she'll continue to fight for us… Kiss me beneath the milky twilight. Lead me out on the moonlit floor. Lift your open hand, Strike up the band And make the fireflies dance, Silver moon's sparkling. So kiss me. Her head drops, her eyes darting down to the carpet. She nods a small nod, I can barely tell. "Alright, I understand. You won't kiss me, because it could get awkward, me being so much younger and all. Evidently it doesn't matter that I'm so sprung over you and WANT you to!" Her soft voice suddenly takes on a certain edge to it. She looks up at me again, calming her breaths steadily. "Darien, I like you too. I have for a really long time, and I have dreamed… a million times of being alone with you and… and hearing you tell me all the things you have today. That you like me, and think that I'm gorgeous, and… and then we would kiss. Honestly, Darien, do you really think I wanted you to tutor me just so I could get better GRADES? I wanted to spend time with you, get to know you, and hope that… maybe you would start to feel something for me, so it wouldn't be an impossible crush anymore." Her stare drops once again, digging her toe into the carpet. "So now… you know how I feel, and I know how you feel… and you're not going to do anything about it… because I'm younger?" Suddenly, my heart is burning up within me. Gee, put that way… age really is a sorry excuse, isn't it? "Well, I definitely understand what you're talking about, it is kinda weird to put aside your feelings because of age." I said staring into her deep blue eyes. "But sometimes… well…" "Well what? Darien, spit it out…" "Sometimes age can cause problems. For instance, what would your parents think?" ~ Serena's POV ~ No, he did not just ask me what my PARENTS would think? Who cares what my parents would think? They'd deal with it! As long as I was happy, they'd be happy for me, I know they would! What is wrong with this man?! He is so ultimately confusing! Why does he keep changing the subject on me? "They wouldn't care!" I lied, making it sound like it wouldn't be a problem. Of course they would care but… they'd just have to deal! "Are you sure?" His voice drips in skepticism, an inquisitive look about his face. I groan mentally. "Okay, so maybe we would have to talk them and sorta convince them, but after awhile things would calm down and…" "A wa wa wait, WE??" he interrupted. "Well, you don't expect me to do it alone, do you?" "Uh… well, well… er, no, but I shouldn't have to…! What if they hate me?!" He practically screams, his voice shaking, and pulls a good five feet away from me, his hands up for protection. "Well, let's forget about that for a second," I said, trying to save myself from getting in an argument, "Are you saying that you would date me even with our age difference?" He looked down at the floor, his hands ever-so-slowly sinking down to hang at his sides. "I… want to… yes." My heartbeat raced. I can't believe it, he likes me, he really does! I settled myself down, trying not to act too excited. Steadying my voice, I softly asked, so does this mean… we're a… couple?" His eyes raise to mine instantly, wide and shocked. I inhale through my teeth, unconsciously crossing my fingers behind my back. We stare at each other silently for a long while, and then his eyes steadily begin to soften, until an almost smile is tugging at his lips. His voice, low and husky, whispers, "I guess so…" And the room is still, quiet, both of us letting the fact sink in that… we are dating… each other… I wasn't quite sure what to do, and so I just sat there, beside the coffee table as he stared down on me, a hidden fear glowing through his grinning stare. Eventually, he sighed, dragging his gaze away to look down at his watch with much surprise. "Wow, it's getting kinda late… maybe you should finish packing up and think about getting home." "Yeah, maybe I should," I whisper, unaware of what else to say. Things had happened so fast, like a big blur, and my mind was still desperately trying to make sense of all of this. Not once did I even let my thoughts drift to the future, what would happen tomorrow, at the arcade, or even to our first real date. Instead, I finished tossing my homework and books into my book bag, and threw it over my shoulder as I raised to my feet. Clearing my throat, I smiled at him with as much surety as I could manage, and began heading to the door. "Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow." "Tomorrow, definitely," he said as he slowly opened the door. "Good night… my Meatball Head." I stumbled over my feet, an unwelcome blush flowing through my cheeks. Lowering my head, I have no problem as a huge grin grows across my lips. "Good bye, Muffin." I can practically feel his surprise as if it were my own, and my smile only widens as I make my way out of the apartment and slowly walk down the long corridor. Only once I hear the soft click of his door closing do I realize my one mistake. I never kissed him! Or, he never kissed me… Either way… we should have! I should have kissed him while I had the chance. Sure, there would be other times, I mean, we're dating now… My heart sighed longingly at the though, a brief intermission before my mind began running a mile a minute again. I don't realize that I have frozen in the middle of the dim hallway. All of a sudden, my stomach's instincts take over my body, and I turn to run back towards Darien's apartment. I stopped in front of his door, examining the three gold numbers. Should I? Taking a deep breath, I clench my fists at my sides. Well, here goes nothing… I swing open the front door and spot him standing in the same place and same position he had been when I left. His eyes, staring down at the rug, raise to mine when his door opens, and his posture straightens drastically in mute surprise. Kiss me beneath the milky twilight. Lead me out on the moonlit floor. Lift your open hand, Strike up the band And make the fireflies dance, Silver moon's sparkling. So kiss me. Gulping, I throw myself towards him, tying my hands about his neck, and bring his lips down to mine for a powerful kiss. His breath tastes of sweet honey, and I close my eyes, drifting off in the sensation once he begins to kiss me back. His strong arms find themselves behind my back, one large hand placed possessively at the base of my neck, holding me to him, molding my petite body in his warm embrace. ~ Darien's POV ~ For a long, beautiful moment, we are engaged together in earth shattering sensations, sending bolts of electricity through my every nerve. I become entranced, tugging at her lips with my own inexperienced and yet knowing kisses. Her hands are playing in my hair, and I shake in the core of my heart, my body pulsing with surrounding heat as I urge her small frame even closer to mine. Gasping for breath, she pulls away, and I am forced to open my eyes. They are glazed over in passion, I know, and have to blink a few times before her ecstatic features come into view. "Well… I really should go…" she said, her azure eyes glimmering with joy. I find it hard to hold back the same expression. "Yeah, you probably should. Goodbye, Serena. Sweet dreams." "Goodnight again, Darien." She smiled and slowly left the apartment. I shut the door behind her and make a shaky path over to my couch before letting my weak knees sink me onto the sofa cushions. My mind takes the moment to collect and analyze everything that has happened this evening, and suddenly filled with unconfined energy, I bolt to my feet. "YES!!! I knew it! I am a hunk!" For all you Ranma fans… ^_~ 'Kiss Me' by Sixpence None the Richer. Tell us what you thought!! God bless! <3 Kate and Alicia