Heaven's Sent Part 3 Author: Angel Bliss Email: angel_bliss@melodymail.com Rating:G Disclaimers: Broke.. as usual. Don't sue me! I promise to god i won't devise and evil plan and steal sailormoon hehehe. :) Nah~ well.. u kno.. standard disclaimer blah blah blah Hey everyone! well... I really *don't* think you wanna hear me blab ne? soo.. on with the story! (sorry if its really crappy! I'm grounded, sick, and MAJORLY pissed at my boyfriend! He's sucha cow >:þ hehe ) ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* PART 3 "Well... here we are ladies." Darien announced proudly as he turned off the car engine and pulled out the key before he easily hopped out of the car without even needed to open the door. He walked over to the passenger door and gracefully opened the door and helped the to ladies out. A very deep voice called out "ahh! son! you're finally here! and I see you still have the two ladies in one piece and still smiling. That's nice to see" Leon Shields picked up Serena's hand before planting a gentle kiss on it. Serena giggled at the idea of havign a chance to actually take part in the 'higher' standards of life, even if it meant she had to work her butt off day and night. The day passed by slowly, Serena and Mina often dozing off in the mini gold carts in the warm summer breeze. And when they weren't sleeping, they were either getting entertained by Darien and Andrew's antics, or sipping at glasses of creaming soda. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* "Man! today was tiring!" Mina exclaimed as she switched on the light to their apartment. Serena cooed as if she were talkign to a baby "aww.. poor widdle mina tired of playing tonsil hockey with andwewwwww... awww. innit dat cuuute?" before she burst out in hysterics and Mina blushing a dark crimson. "Ok.. seriosuly now.. what are we gonna do? is it worth keepign this apartment if we're never gonna be here?" Serena asked as she plonked herself onto the couch. "Well.. i mean.. the rents not *horrible* or ghastly or anything... But I guess we could like i dunno... rent out one of our rooms and we can liek share a room or something when we *do* come back, and we'll get a bitof pay for it and stuff.. and it's not like we *can't* afford the place with our pay now! Mina said as she took a bite into the banana she was holding. "But who are we gonna rent it out to?" Serena asked as she got out of her seat walking towartds the kitchen to get an apple. Mina shrugged as she took another bite of her banana "We'll go see Sandy tommorrow, maybe she can find someone" she said as she took her last bite of her banana before chucking the peel onto Serena's face "HEY!" The blonde ran... "hey girlfriend! i think we shoudl stop it now and start packing our stuff ya kno? like our PJ's and stuff... we won't be here tommorrow night." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Early the next morning, just as they had planned the day before, Serena and Mina met Andrew and Darien at The Grand Cafe. Serena smiled as she remembered the first tiem she saw Darien face to face here. The two girls carryign 2 gymbags each worth of clothing and toiletries and makeup, met the two men in the gardens. They ended up walking through a maze of rose bushes before actualyl finding Darien and Andrew. "Phewww that was tiring stuff" Serena plonked herself onto a chair as she dropped her bags onto the ground. "tell me about it" Mina said before letting out a scream as andrew pulled her onto his lap. Darien rolled his eyes unamused. Before calling a waiter over to take their orders. Darien orderded"the regular, and ..." Serena looked up "huh?! oh.. and 2 orange juices thanks" before she put on her best morning smile. She was never really a morning person, not even in highschool. "sooo are you two ready?" Andrew asked as he pulled Mina closer. "Ready for what?" the two girls asked with a look of fear tinging their faces. "The shopping spree" Darien said as he took a sip of plain water already supplied to them. "Duh!" andrew added with a pitch of dumbness in his voice. "huh? shopping spree?" The two girls looked lost, confused, like losers if you wanna put it in that sense. "for your *neW* clothes and make-up and whatever else you guys need" Andrew finally spoke up with a look of exasperation on his face. Just as they were interupted by a poshy male voice with a strong british accent "One Cuppucino, no fat, and a long black coffee and two orange juices" (A.N: sorry! i don't know how to order coffee!) and he slowly placed down the cups and glasses full of drinks. "gee thanks Simon Le Simon" Darien joked as he slapped the waiter's back before he walked off "You're doin a mighty fine job there!" Andrew added before the two burst out in laughter with tears rolling down their faces. As they started to calm down, Serena *immediately* gave Darien a look of disgust. Immediately he stopped. Andrew was now laughing all alone makign a complete loser out ofhimself and causing the other three to have sweatdrops appear on their heads. Serena though < i might have even fallen for him... good thing I actualyl have respect for people my level> ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* "Aww... C'mon Andrew! ONE more shop.... just ONE more!" Mina pleaded as the two tired looking me now carried over 30 shopping bags. "PLEAAAAASEEE" Mina begged and begged "JUST ONE MORE!!! the gucci store! please please pleaaaaase! I wanna try on.... *british accent* the li'l gucci dress" Andrew chuckled before giving in "ohhh... *alright* fiiiine!" he smiled before adding in a fake british accent "for the sake of the li'l gucci dress" "so Serena? do *you* want to try on *brit accent.. YES again* the lil gucci dress?" Darien teased. Serena blushed furiously... "no it's ok.. I think I'll just go see their evening wear... I'll need more of that" They walked down Main Street and soon arrived at a posh well lit shop... "ahh! Hello hello the home of the lil gucci dress!" After what seemed like eternity... the four left now leaving the men to carry what was now a total of 35 shopping bags. "I don't think we should eat out tonight Darien! it's gettign dark and we *should* be home for dinner seeing you dad's hosting some meeting thing... I think we should be there" Andrew sighed as he had lost hold of mina's hand *completely* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The little black sports car pulled into a large mansion area, with a large fountain centre piece right outside the entrance of the house. It had a large doorway with a stained glass and oak design, as they pulled up, a man in a suit opened the door and took hold of the key, before driving the car off after the passengers had left. As the stepped up to the front door, it immediately flew opened as a man with a nasal accent welcomed them in "good evening Master Shields, Master Grey, *ladies*... your father is in the Den Master Shields. I think he will be glad to know you have finally arrived back home." Darien nodded "we better go andrew... oh! before we go... Serena, Mina, this is Eagor. He's one of our butlers. Eagor, show these two ladies to their rooms in the west wing" "right away Master Shields, This way Miss.. uh..." "Aino. Mina Aino" "Tsukino... Serena Tsukino" "Right this way Miss Aino, Miss Tsukino." Eagor spoke before he clapped two times, almost immediately 2 other young ladies appeared behind him "Bring these bags upstairs" he said as he slowly trodded upstairs, with four other girls following. As they arrived to the girls room, the two servants dropped down the bags and bowed their heads. "Miss Aino, MissTsukino, this is Molly Osaka and Sakura Otchi... they will be your personal guides around here until you are familiar with the place. There will be a formal event held in 1 1/2 hours." And he began walkign slowly down the hallway. Molly was a redhead, she had red curly hair that reached her shoulders ... well it wasn;t *exactly* curly.. they were more liek ringlets. And she had emerald green eyes. She worse a pain white uniform and she looked the same age as Serena. Sakura on the other hand had brown hair, brown eyes and her hair was kept short. She also worse the white uniform and looked 1-2 years younger than Mina. Mina smiled a warm smile "It's nice to meet you!" "Likewise" Sakura smiled. "How 'bout we help you unpack your stuff and your shopping?" a strong western accent spoke out. It was Molly speaking. "that'd be nice..thanks Moll" Serena smiled and she trudged into her room carrying her bags and shopping. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* "Thanks a lot Molly... that helped me save *heaps* of time! Now I can have a quick shower and clean out all that gunk in my hair." Serena plonked down onto her bed "What shoudl i wear to dinner? I haven't exactly had experience" The blonde asked as she sat up and walked towards her wardrobe. "Well... i suggest somethign simple but formal... i mean you are a hostess and all and your uniform won't be here for at least a week" Molly replied as she sat down on the large double sized bed in front of her as her green eyes wandered aroudn the room. "You must be happy Serena, this room is soooo... big..." Molly commented as she looked at the bedspread "pure white silk too" she sighed "My room is a third this size" she stared at the delicate designs imprinted onto the ceilings. "infact... this used to be master Darien's mothers room.. she passed away when he was only 6" "How can that be? who's the lady I met today then?" Serena asked "Ohh! that's his stepmother, she treats him well, infact she looks almost like the twin of his real mother, except his present mother has a tinge of purple in her hair, his real one had a touchof green" There the two yougn girls lay on the bed, their eyes wandering and inspecting every last inch of the room. The room was very special in it's own way, as though it had been decorated ... decorated personally by someone for themselves. There was a large canopy bed with white silk sheets,the bed posts had cherub angels carved carefully out of wood, The ceilings has delicate designs of what looked like a night sky, etched carefulyl in the ceiling, a cloudless nightfull of stars, the moon shinign brightly. The walls were a pale blue, the dressing table, wardrobes,door knobs all had cherub angels painted intricately onto them, all were decored to match the whole "heavenly" feel. the silence was soon broke by a sigh from the blonde. "Well.. she must havebeen a dreamer, if I could have a room, I'd love this one" "Mm... me too" Serena looked up at the clock "Argh! shit it's already 7:25... I better have a super-duper QUICK shower." she grabbed her clothes and ran into the adjacent bathroom "Just be a sec moll" she yelled as she quickly turned on the water and washed her hair. Moments later She ran out of the shower in her hair wrapped in a turban. She was wearing a dress she had bougth today, it was a white spaghetti strapped top, something that Liz hurley woulda looked great in. Serena smilled, she had fallen in love with the dress the first moment she saw it Although she didn't look *as* good as liz Hurley, she looked pretty damn close. She giggled to herself as molyl dried her hair and did them up in ringlets. She quickly applied her make-up, and put on her pearl earings before she and molly rushed into the ballroom. They were already 20 min late, and it was her first day. She saw Mina sitting at a table with Andrew, laughing furiously a what andrew had just said. Darien on the otherhand, was sitting there, arm around a pretty brunette. It wasn't visable *who* the brunette was, but Serena felt a tinge of jealousy, she quickyl brushed it off and smiled at molly as they were greeted by Eagor. "A wonderful sight Ms Tsukino" Eagor nodded as Serena blushed at the comment "Miss Osaka, you are required in the kitchen." Molly nodded "Hai! immediately" she nodded as she hugged Serena and walked off. "This way Miss Tsukino" he led her through the crowd as many of the young, rich men turned heads to look at her. Eagor thought as he smiled at the petite blonde tryign to find safety behind him. They finally reached Darien's table as he seated her. She could clearly see that the brunette was none other than saffron, the popular model. She hung her head and started to twidel her fingers, what she didn't know was she was blushign furiously, and when Mina called her name she quickyl looked up turning redder "yeah?" she yelled a little startled "It's nice to know your attracting attention" Mina commented as she leant against andrew. Serena smiled, Mina was wearing a plain gold spaghettic strap dress, while andrew was dressed in a black suit with a gold tie to match Mina's outfit. Serena thought as she went back to twidling her thumbs. "Yes, indeed, a sore sight> andrew said as he nudge Darien out of the trance Saffron had him in. "huh? wha?" Darien looked up and saw a blushign Serena. She looked almost *too* perfect to be real. Her long blonde hair was mostly donw up in a french twist, but she had ringlets dropping occasionally here and there which framed her face. Her blue eyes sparkled with enthusiasm and life and her cheeks blushed a rosy pink. Infact, she reminded him so much of the Cherub angels his mother had loved so much. he was soon awaken outof his trance by saffron whinging to him "Darien! why are you starign at her liek that! don't Imean *anything* to you?" she whined... ""i'm sorry saffron, maybe next time." he sighed as he walked away from the table and towards his mother's old room. He walked quickly up the grand stairwell until he finally reached the room he had spent most of his childhood years in. He turned the doorknob he quickly grabbed out the key and unlocked the door. Slowly the door creaked as he stepped in. Striaght away Darien looked around, he saw a stuffed rabbit sitting on the bed, and a set of pink pyjama's laid out on the bed. He smelt the room indeed someone else had taken his mother's room. The room smelt of a soft vanilla instead if it's usual roses. He was looking around searchign for who had barged into private property when he heard the door open. There stood Serena, Incredibly shocked to see the man in her room. "Excuse me Mr Shields, but *why on earth* are you in *my* room?" she asked as she advanced closer to him. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* HaHa~ aren't I evil >:) Neways.. email email email... I think i got the whjole layout thing going now :) If anyone wants to be my editor... PLEASE don't hesitate to email me :) 'Cos right now I self edit this, and I get used to reading my typos and I read em off as correctly spelt wrods :) so PLEASE email me if you can help I'll be off to type part 4 now :)