Blind Date - Part 1: An Idea Hatches Author: ChibiSerenity E-Mail: Rating: G Konnichiwa Minna-chan! First off, Lady Thunder or whoever (my memory isn't tops right now, it's late at night. You know who you are) thanx so much for writing in about my story, A Rose in the Rough. I meant to write you back and then a whole bunch of stuff happened that I'm NOT going to get into right now, and I lost your E-mail address. Usually I write back right away. Well, I am going to write a first season romance. And what are most all first season romances about? Serena and Darien of course! Well, just sit back and enjoy my story. And when you are done E- MAIL ME!!!!!! I NEED E-MAIL!!!! Okay, get the picture? I need help when writing a story. Especially since this one will be a mulit-parter. I WILL write a multi-part story if it kills me. I will. Disclaimer: All things Sailor Moon are not mine, although I wish they were. It belongs to Naoko somebody and the dub belongs to some thickheads at Dic that won't translate the other seasons. AAAAAH!! Oh well, I'm a TAD bit out of it, if you haven't gotten that impression already. Are you still reading this? Wow, I didn't think anybody read the disclaimer. Well, congrats to you then. I'm impressed. Onward with the story! PS -- No, I can't start the story right off. I must keep you hanging more.What I forgot to say is that I change POV (point of views) in this story a bit, so for MY sake at least (I'm sure you all are so smart you don't need this) the people whose head we are inside will be surrounded by ~ in the beginning. Like ~Darien~ Get the picture?? Good. Story time (at long last) Blind Date - Part 1: An Idea Hatches ~Andrew~ "I hate you Darien, you're so mean!!!" shouts Serena, stomping her feet. Another normal day at the arcade. "Gee meatball head, you think you'd get used to it by now. I wouldn't tease you if you weren't a klutz, ditz, crybaby..." "Andreeew!" whines Serena, "Make him stop!!!" I smile. "Quite it Darien." "SEE!!!"says Serena proudly. "Andrew's on my side!" "Whatever, meatball head." "Don't call me that you numbskull! AAH!!" Serena catches sight of the clock. "Darien, you jerk, you made me so mad I am now LATE! Raye's gonna KILL me! Oh, I hate you!" Serena runs through the doors straight into Rita. Darien lis laughing histerically, much to Serena's annoyance. "Watch where your going, meatball head!" he shoutes, attempting to get his laughter under control. "SHUT UP DARIEN CHIBA!!!!!" screeches an enraged Serena, walking away again. *Yup. Same as always.* But there was something I'd never noticed. Darien's eyes followed Serena around the corner. Even after she was out of sight, his eyes were glued to the spot where he had seen her last. I looked over to Rita. She had noticed the same thing. "Earth to Darien. Come in Darien." "Wha- Huh!!" said Darien, nearly falling off of his stool. "Great, I'm as bad as Serena." he says under his breath. "Um... me and Rita have to go and talk. That okay with you?" "What? Sure thing. Don't even have to ask permission. You two lovebirds go have fun now." ~Rita~ "What's up, Andrew?" I ask, as he leads me outside. "Did you notice Darien staring after Serena when she left?" "How could I not? The guy's practically in love with her." "That's great!!" shouts Andrew, grinning. "What's great???" I ask, confused. "Darien and Serena. It's the perfect combo!! Just perfect." "Andrew?" "They could get together! It would be great!" "Andrew, this matchmaker side of you. I've never seen it before." I teased gently. "Look, Rita, we gotta get them together." "Yeah, I know. Darien really needs to settle down." "But the problem is, knowing Darien and Serena, they'll never go out with each other knowingly. Too much stubborness." "So what we've got to do is find a way for them to date without knowing who it is they're dating. Like a blind date." I say reasonabally. "Exactly! But Darien will never go for that. He detests blind dates. Absolutely hates them." "I'm not suptrised. But wait! What if....." ~Serena~ "I can't stand that Darien! First he calls me klutz, then he teases me for being a 'ditz' - which I am NOT, and he still calls me by that awful name meatball head. I can't stand him!!!" I whine. "We know, Serena. You've been telling us that for the last three hours!!" Raye complains. I blush sligthly. "Oh. Well, it's still true!!" "I hardly thought anything had changed." "Raye, you're as bad as Darien!!" "I know. But you don't talk about me for three hours straight..." "WHAT exactly are you implying, Raye Hino???" I ask angrily. That stupid blush is rising to my cheeks again. I know exacly what she's implying. And she's wrong. Absolutely, completely, wrong. I hate Darien. I hate him. "I'm just saying that maye you care so much about what Darien thinks of you because you like him." "Raye that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard and I will not stay here to hear any more of it!" I jump up. This shouldn't bother me. It's just stupid Raye teasing me. I'm not in love with DARIEN of all people. He's a loser and a self-rightous jerk. So I care what he THINKS of me. I just want to be able to present myself well. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. "You know Serena, you wouldn't be so angry if there hadn't been a little truth in what Raye said..." teased Mina. "Mina just shut up! Raye, before you even start to say anything, you shut up too. If you don't mind, I have a lot of homework to attend to. Good day." "Darien and Serena, sitting in a tree..." begins Lita grinning. "That is SO immature, Lita!! Just leave me ALONE!!!" I run out. I wish my friends would stop putting such silly ideas in my head. Me and Darien. What a joke. Okay, that's it. For now. I HOPE to get a part out every week. Let's all cross our fingers. One last reminder - E-mail is your friend. Use it. I beg of you. Well, write to me and I PROMISE to write back. Love ya all!!! ChibiSerenity