Title: Winning Love Chapter 1 Author: Alicia Blade E-Mail: Kammi22@sprintmail.com Hey everyone! Here's Chapter 1! Thanx to everyone who sent e-mail! I love you all!! Some people were asking about the Moon Princess and why Darien would just forget about her and go for Serena. Well, I thought about it, and decided to put her into the story after all. Not a lot, but enough to explain Darien's feelings a little more Thoroughly. If I made her a big part of the story, it would take up a lot of time and it really doesn't have much to do with my ideas, so I hope this will be enough. PLEASE E-MAIL ME!!! Enjoy! AN = author's notes *-----* = emphasis Chapter 1: First Attempts I never thought I would be afraid of love. Ever since I was a child, I have watched the happy couples strolling through the park, and I was always secretly jealous of them. I never felt love. Not even for my princess. The beautiful princess in my dreams. I think I know her, and I think she loves me. But... I never really loved her. Who could love a dream, anyways? Really, truly love it. Is it possible to feel that strongly towards something you have never touched, or felt, or talked to, other than her just telling me to bring her the crystal? I don't know, and I'm not sure I care to. I would still find her, bring her the rainbow crystals, but only to find my identity. I don't love her. Serena- now that's a different story. I've talked to her. I know she is kind and gentle and loves everything and every person she comes in contact with. She would put her heart and soul on the line, just to get a smile out of a saddened friend. Her- I could hold, and kiss, and tell her how I feel. I honestly think that I could open up to her, if she ever wanted me to. And I know she would listen, and never judge me. And so, here I am, waiting for the most wonderful, sweet, kind, loving girl in the Universe, and I am terrified. I am scared stiff of my feelings for her. Of how deep I'm in already. I had fallen in love with her so long ago, without even knowing, and now that I realize what I've been feeling all this time, I don't think I could dig my way out of this if I wanted to. I don't think I could even come close to getting away from my feelings for her. And so I am terrified. Of her not sharing my feelings. Of her pushing me away. Of her... not loving me. But I can't run away from my fears. Not now, not this time. Because I know that if I am fearing something that doesn't exist, if there is the slightest possibility that she doesn't hate me, and maybe could even love me, then I would be happier than any other person on this planet. That for the first time in my life- I would know what it feels like to be the other person holding hands in the park. To be the other person with the dreamy eyes and beating heart. That I would be the person with love. Real, true love. And so, now I am waiting outside Crown Center Arcade, waiting for my meatball head to come flying around the corner, so that I can start all over with her. I can begin again. If only I had done this weeks ago. But I'm here now, and still, I'm frightened. What am I going to say? What am I going to do? I look at my watch for the third time in two minutes. 3:28. Still?! Oh, where is that girl? I know she's always late, but to the arcade?! And when she doesn't even know she has an appointment?! This is absurd. She is always here at exactly 3:26. Wait a minute...how do I know that? Wow! Have I really paid that much attention to her?! I guess I had it worse than I thought. Oh, Serena, where are you?! Wait a minute? Is that her? Yup, I'd know that hairstyle anywhere. I straighten my green blazer and take a deep breath. Here she comes, prancing along with a smile brighter than the sun itself. Wow, I love that smile. For a minute I lose all thought, just looking at her. Okay, Darien, get a grip. She's only half a block away. Now, what are you going to say? My mind doesn't answer. Oh, just great! Well, I know one thing. I won't call her meatball head. Here she comes. Don't call her meatball head. Don't call her... "Hey Meatball Head!" Well there goes that idea. This is going to be harder than I thought. Her face falls. "My name is NOT meatball head! Why can't you get it through your thick scull! My name is Serena!! SERENA!!" Great. Smart move Darien. All you need is for her to despise you even more than she already does. Oh! Quick! Say something! Get her to smile. Laugh! Anything! "Uh, sorry Serena. You headed to the arcade?" Now where else would she be going? "Not that it's any of your business Darien. But I'm going to meet someone." "Really? Where?" Her face turns away with a small blush. A tiny voice pipes out, "The arcade." I smile to myself. I knew it. In fact, I know you very well, Serena. So well, it scares me. "Well, if your waiting, mind if I wait with you? I could buy you a sundae, if you'd like." Her face brightens for a brief second. Way too brief a second. "I do NOT need you to wait with me, Darien! I'm a big girl! I can take care of myself!" "Oh, I...uh, didn't mean it like that, I just, well... thought you might want some ice cream or something, that's all." "Why? So you can make fun of me some more? Thanks, Darien, but I think I'll pass!" With that, she walked past me and into the arcade, not even tripping on herself! I stared for a second. Wow. She really doesn't trust me at all, does she? Well, why would she? Sorry, Serena but I'm not letting you get away that easy. Whether you like it or not, I love you. And you don't give up on people you love. Hmmm, I guess I'll have to think this through a little better. She's obviously not going to fall in love just because of a stupid treat. But still, maybe that idea doesn't have to go to waste. I followed her into the arcade. Serena was sitting at a booth in the corner. All by herself. Now a pretty girl like that sure doesn't deserve to be sitting alone. Let's see if I can fix this. Walking to the counter, I order a two-scoop chocolate sundae with extra whipped cream. Walking over to her, I notice that her eyes are closed and a small smile was playing on her lips. Silently, I place the sundae in front of her and take a seat on the other side of the table. "I thought you were meeting someone." Her eyes fly open. For a second she just stares at me, and I wasn't sure she even heard me. Then her face once again turned to anger, as it always seems to whenever two words come out of my mouth. "I AM!! And why are you following me? I said to leave me alone!" "No, you said you'd pass on that ice cream. And so I thought I'd make sure you didn't want any. Just thought maybe you didn't hear me at first or something." Her eyes finally fell on the sundae. I could see the drool forming at the corners of her mouth. "It sure isn't like the Serena I know to turn down free food." She looked from me, to the sundae and back. I could tell she was considering whether or not to take it. Come on, Serena! It's not poison! Just take some! But, just as she was reaching for the spoon, a third person entered the scene. With a tap on Serena's shoulder, she looked up to be met with a pair of dark violet eyes staring back at her. "Oh hi, Raye!" "Hey Meatball Head!" The black haired girl took a seat next to me, forcing me to slide next to the wall. Darn! Raye, could you possibly have worst timing? "Ugh! What is it with you two!! Can't either of you remember my name is SERENA!!!" "I remembered." I speak out quietly. Well, hey, I just went through about three sentences of conversation without the dreaded nickname. For me, that's pretty good. I can tell she isn't quite as proud of me. "YOU are the one who started calling me that in the FIRST PLACE!" "Serena," Raye snapped, "can't you hold your temper for 2 minutes?!" "What? You're talking to me about MY temper! Look who's talking you self-absorbed private school priestess!" And with that, the tongue war began. How do I get stuck in these situations? And then I was saved by a tall girl with long brown hair in a ponytail. "Would you guys stop arguing! The whole arcade can hear you!" (AN: so I decided to put Lita in after all..." I sighed with relief as the insults quickly turned to blushes. Who was this savior? I hadn't seen her before... My thoughts were quickly answered. "Darien," Raye said, "this is Lita." I nodded in response. Hey, any friend of Serena's is a friend of mine, right? "Lita, this is Darien." "The jerkwad," Serena added quietly. I don't think any one heard her but me. Now come, Meatball Head, try to be nice... "Hi Darien," Lita was saying. "It's good to meet you." "You too." "Look guys," Raye was saying. "We should really be going. There is a reason we're here, remember?" Lita nods, but Serena just stares for a second blankly. Then recognition crosses her face. "Oh yeah..." She quickly stands up next to Lita. "Amy," Lita said, and I quickly remembered a short blue haired girl I had seen talking to Serena on occasion, "will be meeting us at the temple. She said something about having to finish an extra credit assignment at the library first." Raye grabbed my arm, almost possessively, and looked at my eyes, "I'm really sorry I have to go, Darien. I'll talk to you later, ok?" I nod in agreement. What am I supposed to say? This girl scares me. And then I look at Serena. She has her back turned to me. Raye stands and the three begin to walk to the automatic glass doors, but Serena stops and turns to look at me. My heart jumps. What is she going to say? "Ooh, I almost forgot." Quickly, she grabs the sundae, still untouched and shoves it down. How can any one eat like that?! She notices me gawking at her and blushes. Licking her lips, she sets the glass cup down scampers off to her friends. Good bye, my meatball head. As soon as the girls had left, a familiar blonde head appeared in the seat my love had just occupied. "Hey Andrew." He doesn't answer. I notice the sly smile on his face. "Was that her?" I stare confusedly. "Oh, come on, Dar. She was hanging on to you like you were a raft in the middle of the ocean! She has to be the one!" "One what?" I know what he's getting to. "Let's see... the one that has you completely ga-ga. The one you can't seem to keep your mind off for more than thirty seconds. Is that her or not?" I sigh deeply. "No, Andrew. She is most definitely NOT the one. She's hardly even a friend!" He just looks at me suspiciously. "Look, Raye is not, and will never be, my girlfriend. And I don't want her to be. She can be nice at times, but she's just... not for me. I really have to get going. Talk to ya later, okay?" "Yeah, sure thing." He still doesn't look quite satisfied. Slowly, I begin walking to the door, but am stopped by his hand grabbing my shoulder. "Oh, I almost forgot, there's a talent show this weekend, and Lizzie's gonna be in it. I really don't feel like going by myself, so I was wondering if you wanna come with?" Hmm, going to a talent show just to see Andrew's little sister do some stupid dance number, not really my thing. "Sorry, but I..." wait a minute! A talent show... sounds like something Serena would do... "On second thought," and what a lovely thought, "I think that could be fun." "Great, I'll see you at the Little Theater Saturday at 7. Bye!" "Bye!" And I leave the teenager-packed arcade, with thoughts of my beautiful meatball head filling my own head. Sorry this is so short. I'll make the next one longer & more romantic. PLEASE E-MAIL ME!!! I love mail!!! I need suggestions and ideas, too. See ya next week with chapter numero dos: The Talent Show